Tuesday, 16 December 2014

What happens after midnight is always hard to remember...

So last night I feel like I was awake more than sleeping. 

When we woke up, Matthew says to me "I'm so tired!" "I feel like the kids were up like 8 times last night"...." Didn't I make Bentley's bottle like 4 times". Granted it was a crazy night, but here is what actually happened.

We went to bed WAY later than we should have, all that cold medicine was kicking in and made it hard to fall asleep. Then at around 2 (I think) Bentley woke of screaming!! He was so mad, he wouldn't let me cuddle him or anything. I had Matthew go get his bottle because his Uncle was sleeping on the the couch and I didn't feel like getting caught in my skivvies. So Matthew got his bottle (it was already made). Matthew then put him back to bed. Not even 2 minutes later he was screaming again!!!! Clearly he wanted more to eat. So I had Matthew go down again and make another bottle. Poor Matthew had no clue what was happening. I sat with Bentley in his room, and because he was screaming so loud Adelade woke up and sat with us. Apparently we were having an after hours party! I gave Bentley bottle number 2 and put them both back to bed. Thank goodness it worked!! 

Then around 3 I heard Adelade wake up and walk downstairs. I was worried she was going to freak out because Matthew's uncle was sleeping on the couch. Instead she just came back upstairs and asked me in her most awake voice ever "mommy can we cuddle?" I was so confused! Haha. I put her back to bed...I think?! 

Then a few hours later I heard Adelade go pee, she came in asking for more underwear. Matthew and I didn't know what was going on, we told her to go get her underwear as she knows where it is. She was all like "okay, yah sure" The thing that threw me off is she sounded so awake, it was as if it was the middle of the day. Oh Adelade!! Haha

Then a few hours after that I woke up and it was 8:30AM!! What the??! How is that even possible! It's like Christmas when the kids sleep past 7. 

So as it turns out the kids were not awake 8 times rather 3, maybe 4. Also, only 1 bottle was made...not 4. Oh what the minds thinks when you are completely delirious! Paha!! 

It's all worth it for these 2 cuties!! 

Parenting rocks....eh?! 

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