Thursday, 18 July 2013

Some "Super exciting moments" and some "Super NOT exciting moments"

I don't totally know what to write about as nothing SUPER exciting has happened, but hey I'm a normal person living a normal life so super exciting doesn't come along everyday. I guess when I think about it, it is all in your perspective I guess I choose what is super exciting and what isn't.

"Super exciting" moments of the week/couple weeks:
1. I don't know if I want to potty train Adelade yet. First off I don't really know how, I'm sure I could google it and get overwhelmed by all the different methods. But I feel like Adelade is the type of kid who does things on her terms, I can't force her to do anything--and I don't want her to force her to do anything. So we went to wal-mart a few weeks ago and she picked out the potty she wanted and it has been sitting in our bathroom since then. Sometimes she will use it, and by use I mean sit on it and use copious amount of TP to 'wipe' herself, even though she hasn't done a thing. One day though after sitting on the potty she said she was "all done". We then washed her hands (side note: she LOVES washing her hands! How FUN is that?! haa! All this kid needs is soap and water and she is a happy camper!), after washing her hands she sat back down on the potty. I went and put some things in her room and came back a few minutes later. She then said she was "all done", I was expecting anything but then I noticed the TP was wet!!!! YAY!!!! I almost missed it :) That was about a week ago, since then not much has happened on the potty, but she is getting there. I am happy she is understanding it, and my theory on it is to not get stressed about it, she will get it.

2. I bought a STAPLE GUN!! woot woot! I know I know, how is this exciting? Well I have been wanting to make a few things that require the use of a staple gun, but I keep putting it off. So finally I got one, that is after buying the cheaper one, only to find out the only staples they sold didn't fit that gun--that was after Matthew and I jammed them in and got them all stuck....oops! I was super frustrated!! I was already to- staple gun- away, but no I had to wait until Monday and go find the 'right' one. Anyway, I finally got the one that works and made the bulletin board I have been wanting to for a while.


3. Matthew, Adelade and I went to a good friend of Matthew's wedding last Saturday. It was beautiful and Jessica looked ravishing!! I always get a little teary when I see a bride walk down the isle. Adelade was really good during the ceremony, thank goodness it only lasted about 10 minutes. There was a catered reception and let me tell you the food was AMAZING! There were appetizers, 1st course (lasagna) , 2nd course (chicken stuffed with cheese and peppers, with roasted potatoes and veggies, salad, and cheesecake for dessert! We were overflowing by the end of it!! I didn't eat it all, but I sure had most of it. Adelade spent most of the reception being her silly self as it was way past her bedtime--- so we ran the halls.

4. I took Adelade to kids day at the Stampede (You get in free between 6am -9am). We got there 3 minutes before 9am, so we made it just in the nick of time to get in for FREE! I love anything for FREE! I went with my very best friend Tam and met up with my sister-in-law and her little girl. It was so much fun! It was SO HOT out that day. I hadn't been to the stampede in 3 years and was craving these skinny curly french fries I used to get in previous years. So my friend Tam and I shared a bucket (yes a bucket-o-fries) and I loved every minute of it!! Adelade loved seeing all the animals and just taking in all the hustle and the bustle that Stampede is. I remember at one point thinking, "holy moly there is a lot of kids and pregnant women", then I realized I was one of them! Last time I had been to the Stampede I was single and just hanging with my girlfriends. It is interesting to think how much difference a few years can make.

YAY! we made it :)
Adelade and Aunty Tam waiting for the super non-eventful water show, no wonder there was no line-up
Wearing her free glasses that she later through on the C-Train tracks...oops
"This is a fake cow"-no fooling Adelade
In her glory!-driving a tractor
Us with 'Senor Manuel'---me in my glory....hahaha! (p.s: I love Llamas!)

Looking so cute on her horsey
Eating a wagon wheel for the first time. Apparently shoving it all in at once is the best way to go :)
Slowly chewing it up
5. Matthew's parents are moving HOME!!!!!!! YAY! They have been living in Australia for the past 3+ years and are now coming HOME! I know that it is bittersweet for them but boy oh boy I am happy they are coming home. I know Calgary doesn't have the ocean or all year round warm weather, or wild kangaroos, and other great things that Australia has---but it has family..... and sikome lake! (hahahaha)
They are moving back next week and should be home on the 25th or 26th of July. I am really happy that Adelade will have her Grandparents closer, so she can build and good strong lasting relationship with them.

6. I found a change table! YAY!...and it was only $35! I am refinishing it at the moment. I have covered the shelves in fabric and have painted it black but unfortunately one of the cans of spray paint I bought was gloss, and I had done it all done in back to Wal-Mart I go! haaa! I am learning my lesson over and over and over again when it comes to not reading the fine print on what I buy.

7. Being off work and having the summer with Adelade has been glorious. Though some days I find myself feeling a little bored I am so happy to have this time with her and to play and be outside.

8.We have finally moved our room around to make room for the baby! okay, moment of truth....I am not a clean/tidy person naturally. Though I wish I was, I really do. I am a messy teenager at heart! So I struggle A LOT with keeping a tidy house, room, bathroom, kitchen....everything! I have made progress in my organization, which has helped me keep things more tidy. It is amazing how when things have a 'spot' it is so much easier to keep things clean AND tidy! Marvelous!! (....and I'm just learning this, oh jee!) So anyway, back to getting our room ready. Our room was so NOT ready to fit a baby in it a few weeks ago, what with all the laundry and who knows what lying on the ground. I was starting to get anxious about it and Matthew could tell so one night we moved things around put things away and now we have a spot for the baby and a clean room! double YAY!

9. We took Adelade to the Southland Leisure Center on Monday. It was so fun! I loved just sitting in the water and Adelade had a ball walking around the kitty pool. We also ventured into the 'wave pool' which we have only done 1 time before (last time Adelade lasted about 2 minutes before crying out of control), but this time Adelade liked it, well she tolerated it. We took her on the kid slides and she actually liked it!!! I was so happy to see that she wasn't as scared as she was last time. Aw, my little girl is growing up! 

10. I have been keeping up with laundry every week!! I am super impressed with myself. 

11. We went for a nice walk 2 Sundays ago. It was just in our neighborhood but it was great! :)

Let's GO!

Taking a rest

After 3 tries we got Adelade looking at the camera...YAY!

Snuggles with Dadda

Adelade actually wanted to hold my hand!!! I was in LOVE :)

Finished the walk off by making some brownies. I wanted Matthew to take his shirt off too for the picture because I thought it would be funny.....haaa! But he didn't go for it :(

Since life is not always full of roses and are some Super "not" exciting moments of the week/month, that make me really appreciate the good moments :

1. Okay this one sounds totally ridiculous but it was not my finest moment. We went grocery shopping last week and we decided on having BLT's for supper that night so we forked out the dough for 'good' bacon. Only to come home and cook it and realize there was like NO meat on this bacon. I know, bacon is mostly fat--but it was mostly all gristle. Now most people in the situation wouldn't have been upset about this or made a stink...oh no--not me! (insert: not finest moment) I made a huge stink! I had my heart set on yummy bacon and when I realized all I was going to eat was gristle I was mad...can you believe it--MAD, about bacon??? Then I was mad about being mad about the bacon--oh yah...that's right! Matthew in his sweetness just hugged me and said "no, Angela you are not ridiculous, it's okay". Gotta love that man!

2. I ate a half a bag of chips in one sitting...

3. The other night we had gotten home late and we wanted to put Adelade down right away. I had gone upstairs most likely to pee, because I feel like that's all I do!! Anyway, as I was upstairs waiting for Adelade to come up, I was growing more and more impatient. I finally in a stern voice said "Adelade, come up stairs now please!" I could hear this weird scratching noise and knew she was on the stairs playing. Finally she made her way up the stairs and we did the whole bedtime routine and put her down. As I was walking down the stairs I saw that Matthew had written something on the chalkboard (which is placed right at the bottom of the stairs). I asked him when he did that? He said, "while you were getting upset at Adelade for not coming upstairs"....oh jee! I felt like a smuck. Here is what it said:
-I meant to take a picture...but it now says something different. It said:
"Angela is------Amazing"

4. I didn't unload the dishwasher for 3 days...

5. I got really mad when Adelade poured an entire box of crackers all over the kitchen floor, she even shook the box to get the crumbs outs.

6. I think I made dinner twice last week... (note to self there are 7 days in a week!) haa

As you can see I don't take picture of the not so super moments! ha

As I am writing this I am realizing how imperfect I am, and how that is okay. I can't be brilliant and everything or even one thing. I am trying to do a good job, though some days I could do better--a lot better. I am trying each day to do better.  I am happy for the super exciting moments and also happy for the not-so exciting moments, for in those moments I am reminded that there is always tomorrow and life is still good.



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