Monday, 29 July 2013

It's a new day!

Why hello! Today started out pretty slow. I felt like a ton of bricks when Adelade woke me up this morning, perhaps it was because I had to pee like 6 times during the night, or because Adelade had been crying on and off since 6. (I know 6am is a normal wake-up time for most kids, but not for Adelade--AND she didn't go to bed until 10pm last night because we were playing with Matthew's family) Anyway, I finally got her out of her crib around 8 and took her downstairs. I let Matthew keep sleeping as it was his first day on holidays. Thankfully Adelade was happy to eat breakfast and watch "Melmo" aka-Sesame Street. I was more than happy to lye on the couch beside her and learn about the letter "B" and what the word "Surprise" means.

By about 9:30, Adelade kept rubbing her eyes and I thought..."ooo....perhaps she will go down for a short little nap, so I can ALSO go down for a short little nap". Yah, it didn't work out so well, about 30 seconds into our nap session Adelade was giggling and having a party in her bed. I then asked Matthew if he would let me sleep for a little bit and take care of Adelade. He happily obliged. Thank goodness!! Well my "short nap" turned into sleeping until 11am. I didn't feel anymore rested, in fact I felt like I needed to lye in bed ALL day, but I wouldn't let myself give-in to my selfish laziness. I rolled out of bed and went downstairs to find a neighbor/friend of mine was over because her roommate had locked her out while she was mowing the lawn...ouch! After trying to figure out what to do we thought the best decision would be to drive to Okotoks and pick up a key from her other roommate.  I was happy to get out of the house and it was really nice to catch up with an old friend. By 1 o'clock I was back home and Adelade was napping.

Matthew and I then had lunch, macaroni and tuna...we are running low on groceries. Watched an episode of Drop Dead Diva (did I mention I LOVE this show!-Matthew is such a nice guy and watches it with me). After watching DDD, I was feeling SUPER sluggish. I needed a pick me up. I had to get a move on, but didn't really know what to do. Before when I was at home with Adelade I would workout when she napped, but for the last 2 months I haven't done any such thing. The last workout I remember doing was when I was 26 weeks pregnant (I'm 36 weeks now), but then I got the flu/a cold and didn't get back into it. I NEEDED to feel better, I NEEDED to workout. So I DID! I put on my workout clothes, which happen to be A LOT tighter than they used to be, popped in my "expecting more" workout DVD. ( I should probably get my $50 worth out of it-since this is only the 2nd time I've used it...I know, not so good!) There are a variety of workouts on the DVD, I did a 30 min synergy workout--it was basically a lot of body movement, no weights, no running shoes, just me moving my body. It FELT great. Honestly, I felt like A MILLION DOLLARS afterwards. It was the first time in a long time I didn't feel really bad about myself. I know with pregnancy comes discomforts, but today my mindset changed, instead of thinking "I wish I could be running right now" or "I want to roll over in bed without making a production of it"---I am now singing a new tune, which is "I am so glad to be pregnant, and to be carrying a healthy baby" I don't want to focus on what I can't do but rather what my body can do, which is a miracle. I know this is pretty ramble-y, but after my workout I showered did my hair and make-up and felt REALLY good. I felt really good in my mind. It was a good feeling.

From that moment on, my day turned around. I feel like I found what I need to keep going, to keep myself being positive, rather than negative. I need to MOVE my body. I need to exercise. Even though I can't exercise like I used to, which is OKAY, I need to do something that kicks in my endorphins and makes me feel good about myself. I know this is what works for me. We are all different and it doesn't do the same for everyone, but this is the first day in quite a few days I felt GREAT!

 So here's to a NEW day :)

The rest of our day went as follows....
Our day ended with a trip to the mall, where I got a NEW phone :),,,,and iphone might I add. (I did it, I am now and iphonian--hehe) I am happy to be retiring my motorola pearl. We had a love- hate relationship. It did it's time, it lasted 3 years without breaking but I am happy to be paying less for a cellphone plan that gives me more--AND a free iphone to go with the plan, why not?!

After the mall Adelade had a hard to falling asleep, we took her soother away yesterday and it has been hard for her....and for us. Part of me doesn't know why I took it away, but we did. I just hope it doesn't take 2 hours to fall asleep tomorrow night. It is hard to listen to your baby girl cry out "momma" for an hour straight. I finally went to her and just by holding her and rubbing her back it calmed her down and she went straight to sleep....I am learning and re-learning how to be a mom everyday.  

Since then I've been playing on my phone, making a meal plan for the week/grocery list and blogging. Those endorphins did the trick. Now it is time to hit the sack! night-night


  1. It's nice to hear how you are doing. Every day is a learning of how to be a mom. Because each day life gives you new challenges, as our children grow and change. I'm glad to see you're taking care of yourself and taking time to still enjoy life :)

    1. Thanks Melina! I'm glad I am taking time for myself, I realize I hadn't done much of that lately.

  2. I love this post! I really liked what you said about not focusing on what you CAN'T do, but rather being grateful that you're carrying a healthy baby. Glad to hear that exercise helped you feel better. Perhaps I'll have to get on that too....

    1. Thanks Arianne! Let me know if you ever need a workout buddy :) I can always cheer you on!

  3. I laughed (at myself) when I read that the last time you worked out was at 26 weeks.....I am shameful. haha. I haven't done a thing this time around! I should get back into it though! Got any good DVD's you would recommend while pregnant? Good luck with the soother thing, it's so hard! And congrats on the iphone! I look forward to all your cute instagrams!

    1. haha! I am doing this DVD called "Expecting More", when I am done with it, you can totally use it. I have done a few of the workouts and some moves are a bit silly, but as the chick in the video says "it gets my daily sweat on" hahaha! oh my I LOVE instagram, not sure what all the hashtags are about, but I can feel myself getting addicted!
