Sunday, 7 July 2013

7 weeks to go!--or maybe 9!

Well I am a little too late to do a whole pregnancy blog thing, but it doesn't mean I can't write about it--since I've only got 7 weeks to go! It feels so far from now, yet so close at the same time. 

I have to say I am really grateful that I am pregnant, I know it is a blessing and something not all women are able to experience or have a really hard time getting or staying pregnant. So I have to say I am very blessed and happy that I am able to be pregnant and that my pregnancy has had no complications. 

This is my second pregnancy, so you would think I knew what to expect or remembered everything, but I totally don't! Hahah. I still get surprised by what is going on with my body and think, "is this what happened last time?" Either way it still feels like a new experience. 

I am looking forward to meeting this little guy and seeing what he looks like. Adelade was born 13 days late and looked nothing like how I imagined she would. She was born with fair, fair, fair skin, blue eyes and the littlest bit of white blond hair. I thought she would look like -me- when I was born...oh silly me!--I was born with a TON of dark-dark brown hair. It really threw me off when I saw her for the first time. After a few days I realized she looked nothing like me and completely like Matthew. So I really wonder what this little guy will look like. Is he going to have brown hair, blonde hair, red hair? Is he going to be long and skinny like his sister? Or short and chubby? I have no idea. I selfishly want him to look like me, so I don't get the shocking response from people "oh really- YOU are his mother" I get it with Adelade a LOT! 

One time at church when I was walking the halls with Adelade this lady was walking by me and could see Adelade walking aimlessly down the hall, she turned to me and said "who is that little girl's mom?" I wasn't sure how to break it to her that is was me. Even at Wal-Mart one time when I was with a girl friend of mine the cashier was so shocked when Adelade called me "momma", she kept saying to me "I would have thought it was her who was her mother (referring to my friend)" I had to keep reassuring her, no I was her mother and YES she looks like her Dad. Jee the things people say sometimes!

Anyway, I said I was writing about my pregnancy and I haven't really done that. Let's see what is there to say:
1. I will be 34 weeks pregnant next week...say what?!
2. I feel as big as a whale (even though I'm measuring small)
3. I miss my body...and lying on my belly!
4.  Sleeping is not the most comfortable experience of my life. I guess it is to prepare me for sleepless night when the little mister arrives.
5. I am pretty nervous about having 2 kids. Some days I think, Oh I got this- other days I don't really know what I will do.
6. Adelade likes to play peek-a-boo with the 'baby' aka my belly. It is always a bit awkward when she wants to do it in public as I don't really want to be baring my midsection to the world.
7. I seem to have gained weight like it was going out of style. Thank goodness I have it under control right now...this is for the time being.
8. I really wonder WHEN the baby will be born. Will he be 13 days late like Adelade or 13 days early, born on his due date? I don't know...but all I know is that when people ask when I'm due I say "the end of August" because it is really difficult going overdue. Everyday feels like a week! It sounds ridiculous but you feel like you will be pregnant forever! haha!
9. I totally watch youtube weekly pregnancy vlogs...not sure why, but I think it's a guilty pleasure. Matthew thinks its weird that I do, but I watch them anyway.
10. I stopped working out, about 1 month ago. I was jogging up until then, but got sick for a few weeks and when I tried I failed miserably. I should really do some light cardio and strength training, but whenever I seem to want to workout I also want to nap----what do I do, you ask? I NAP! I know I am a personal trainer, I am even certified as a pre and postnatal fitness specialist. I know all the benefits of working out when pregnant, but my tiredness has gotten the better of me. I try to get a few walks in here and there, but they are really slow walks. I know I will get back into after the baby is born, and there is no point in feeling guilty about it--I working on it. The hardest part about it all, is that working out is something that really helps me feel happy, and I like to workout a certain way and feel a certain way afterwards, and it just doesn't work the same way right now. 
Anyway enough with the "whoa is me!"

This is me and my feelings on being preggo at the moment.... though I'm sure I'll have a hormone swing and feel totally different in 5 minutes ....bahaha! 

12 weeks

 Then and NOW (well a few weeks ago)- Ang aka shamu

31 weeks


  1. I feel all the same feelings as you! And don't worry, you still look fantastic
    : ) I hope you're up to being back on the work-out train post-baby, because I'm gonna need all the motivation I can get!

    1. Thanks!! I will definitely be back on the work-out train as soon as my body allows. We'll keep each other motivated :)

  2. HAHAH I felt the same way when both my kids came out looking nothing like I expected them to. So funny how that happens. You really do look great and I hope he comes early for you!

    1. I'm glad I am not alone in that feeling! I really wasn't expecting blonde hair...guess we'll have to wait and see!!

  3. Ang, you look amazing! I'm so excited for you!! I bet I knew and just forgot, but A BOY! YEAH! One of each...You will now have people telling you that you have a million dollar family! At least that is what people told me when I was prego with Paisley!
