Sunday, 13 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

What am I thankful for? 
1. I am thankful for my husband and two beautiful children
2. I am thankful for a Husband that tells me more times in a day than I can remember that he loves me
3. I am thankful for hugs.
4. I am thankful for cuddles with Adelade, as they only come once in a while and last about 1 second. (cuddles in general are pretty great!)
5. I am thankful to be a mother
6. I am thankful for having wonderful friends
7. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and Savior
8. I am thankful for my neighbours, I love living in my community
9. I am thankful for family
10. I am thankful for my parents
11. I am thankful for my in-laws who love me like I have always been a part of their clan.
12. I am thankful for my ever-forgiving husband
13. I am thankful for Adelade's squeezes
14. I am thankful that Bentley's favorite place to sleep is on me
15. I am thankful for sleeping babies
16. I am thankful for quietness
17. I am thankful for sleep....I am getting tired as I write this
18. I am thankful for my home
19. I am thankful for our car, even though it's a bit ghetto and the driver's door doesn't open from the outside, we LOVE 'Dot'
20. I am thankful for freedom
21. I am thankful for the safety I am blessed with each day
22. I am thankful for my health, and my Husband and children's good health
23. I am thankful for having someone to hold hands with for-EVER!
24. I am thankful for the pumpkin pie I made today...holy moly it was good!
25. I am thankful for the dinner my brother and wife brought over for good!
26. I am thankful for all the meals people brought us after Bentley was born
27. I am grateful for the ability I have to move my body
28. I am grateful that I can run
 29. I am thankful for friends that listen to me
30. I am thankful for the good days and bad, without the bad ones the good ones wouldn't seem as good
31. I am thankful for clean underwear...seriously it's the worst when I run out
32. I am thankful for dance party's
33. I am thankful for walks

34. I am thankful for the park, it helps me a great deal when I need Adelade to burn off some steam
35. I am thankful for music
36. I am thankful for a warm house
37. I am thankful for the money we have, though it's not a lot--we are able to afford the life we have
38. I am thankful Matthew knows what he wants to do as a career...he'll be a GREAT teacher
39. I am grateful for my bed, though it is not that comfortable, it is better than nothing--it's a blessing
40. I am grateful for forgiving children that love me even when I go "crazy"
41. I am grateful for a husband that listens to me
42. I am grateful for a clean house, clean is a relative word...
43. I am grateful for my laundry machine, seriously what would I do without it...wash my clothes by hand?
44. I am grateful for our's luxury I tell you
45. I am grateful for a backyard 
46. I am thankful for a garage we can park our car in, in the winter! YAY!
47. I am thankful for the lessons I learned growing up
48. I am thankful for the trials in my life
49. I am thankful to have a son
 50. I am thankful to have a daughter
 51. I am thankful for cheese...I seriously love that stuff
52. I am thankful for toothpaste, we can some serious morning breath in our house! 
 53. I am thankful for I'm getting thirsty
54. I am thankful for Rio, the movie, it is a serious life saver! We have watched it about 50x since Bentley was born
55. I am thankful for Matthew who will sit with me whether I'm crying, laughing, silent or farting...
All in all....
-I am thankful for my L.I.F.E-

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