Here are some things that my lovely 2 year old has learned to say and or do. She has recently started to string words together and make almost sentences it is pretty awesome. She says new words ALL the time!
Mom: Adelade will you please stop throwing your toys
Adelade: Okay, sure.
Mom: Adelade do you need a timeout?
Adelade: okay, sure (and then runs and sits on stairs)
Mom: Adelade please clean up your mess
Adelade: Okay, sure...Mean (clean) up Mean up Mean up
Adelade spills all her crackers on the ground
Before Mom or Dad can say anything...
Adelade: Mean up Mean up Mean up (as she picks up all her crackers)
When Adelade sees any kid big or little in a stroller
Adelade: Baby!!!!
Adelade bumps her head on the wall, comes over to mom
Adelade: Tiss (Kiss) beehher (better) Tiss na owie!
Adelade trips on the floor, comes over to Daddy
Adelade: Tiss Beehher (Kiss better) Baahehh! Baahhhehh!
Daddy: Do you need a bandaid?
Adelade: YAH!
Adelade standing in just her diaper asking to go outside.
Mom: Adelade you have to wear pants and a shirt before you can go outside.
Adelade asks again to go outside again.
Mom: Adelade you have to wear pants and shirt before you can go outside.
Adelade probably asked a few more times, and then finally runs upstairs and grabs to 2 shirts and adamantly tries to put the shirt on her legs.
Mom: Oh Adelade
Mom: Adelade would you like a Banana?
Adelade: Yah,
Mom: What do you say?
Adelade: Meeeez (Please)
Mom hands banana to Adelade
Adelade- before taking a bite: I don't yike (like) it
Mom: ?!?!?!?!
Mom:Adelade did you poop?
Adelade: nope
Mom checks in diaper and sees giant poo
When changing Adelade's diaper
Adelade: Poopy Bieber (diaper) Poopy Bieber (diaper) POOPY BIEBER(diaper)!!!!!
Mom: Adelade you didn't poop you peed
Bentley crying his face off
Mom: Adelade does Bentley sound happy or sad?
Adelade: Happy!
This one time Adelade got her feet dirty at the park, on the way home this is what happened
Adelade: Meehhh (mess) Meehhh!! Meehhhh!!!
Mom & Dad: Did you get a mess on your feet?
Adelade: YAH!
Adelade: Mehhhh! Meehhhh!!! MEHHHHHH!!!!
Mom & Dad: Did you get a mess on your feet?
Adelade YAH!
This conversation lasted for another 5 was the longest 5 minute drive!
Bentley is sleeping in our room, Adelade comes in and says
Adelade: Benty seeping (sleeping) Benty seeping Benty seeping! MOMMMY BENTY SEEPING!....(said in the loudest voice EVER!)
I know this is just the beginning! :) Sometimes I forget that Adelade talks as much as she does, I really need to watch what I say!!!
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Things I do now that I have 2 kids that I never did when I just had one.
I've realized since having Bentley there are a few things I do now that I never did with Adelade. It also made me realize there are a number of things I said "I would never do when I was a parent"...that I most definitely do now that I'm a parent. Some of these are silly, some not...
When Adelade was born I was really adamant on getting her into a sleep schedule. The whole newborn phase was really overwhelming for me and she was -thank goodness- an incredible sleeper! I remember how we would never keep her out past her bedtime, which was 7pm. On many occasion we would leave family dinners just so we could be home for 7pm, it was really inconvenient-but we did it.
NOW...I don't even think Bentley has a 'bedtime', heck the other night we didn't get home until 10pm. I've realized I'd rather have a somewhat of a social life with my family, than none at all.
I always said I would NEVER take my newborn to the movie theatre (before I had kids). I didn't get why people did it. During the summer we took Adelade to her first movie and there was a family there with 5ish kids and a brand NEW baby. In that moment I realized why people take newborns to feel like a normal person! Just the other day I said to Matthew "we should take Adelade to Monsters University, it's at the cheap theatre tonight" which would be making me a hypocrite twice over as she'd be out past her bedtime and we'd be bring a baby with us too. HA!
Before Adelade was born I thought "I don't think I'm going to use a soother", I want my baby to be able to 'self sooth'--ohhh me on my! I was SO happy when a friend of mine Stephanie gave me a soother at my baby shower I used it the very next day. I LOVE the soother! I know it's not for every baby, but it has been a lifesaver for me. Adelade really took to a soother, much more than Bentley but either way I'm team soother. Actually Bentley is a bit of a snob when it comes to soothers, he will only take a specific one-the round one, they are called soothies I think. Matthew thinks he looks ridiculous so we tried another one that was really similar. It was AWFUL! Bentley wouldn't suck that thing to save his life! It was double awful because Matthew was out of town working for 2 days and I was without a car. Eventually we got the 'right' soother and life is now complete for Bentley.
I always wanted to breastfeed my babies. I was all ready a prepared when I had Adelade. Well ready as you can be. I remember feeling like a cow the first time I attempted to nurse Adelade. It was so weird. Anyway, after a very traumatizing 3 days I realized I didn't have enough milk to feed Adelade. We took a midnight trip to the Shoppers Drug Mart and 2 ounces of formula later Adelade slept like a champ. Her first week of life was spent going to appointments every other day to weigh her to make she was gaining..attempting to pump only to get drops..then by the end of the week after seeing a lactation consultant I was told I was never going to produce enough milk for my daughter and most likely wouldn't for any of my children. It's called 'insufficient glandular tissue'. I was pretty devasted. I remember the comments and looks I would get from other mothers when I would bring out my bottle to feed Adelade. I felt so terrible. It made me realize that we never know what someone is going through, that it is never anyones place to judge another person.
With Adelade I felt it was really important to put her in her crib before she was sleeping so she would know how to fall asleep on her own. Though I still feel this way, I realize now with having a second baby I missed out on A LOT of cuddle time. I don't think I ever had Adelade fall asleep on me on purpose at home...ever. With Bentley I do make an effort to put him in his crib before he falls asleep BUT I also make an effort to cuddle him and if that means he falls asleep on me then so be it. I think what contributed to my obsession with Adelade's sleeping schedule was the postpartum depression I experienced. Her sleeping was one thing I could 'control' (if you can say that). If I could get her to fall asleep, I felt like I was doing something right, it kept me sane.
With Adelade I felt like the only time I got to hold her was when she was crying or poopy. I was always letting other people hold her and snuggle her, but the moment she was fussy or made a mess in her diaper she got handed back. So when I was pregnant with Bentley I remember telling Matthew, "if we are out and I want to hold my baby the whole time, I am going to hold my baby the WHOLE time". I find even now I feel weird asking to hold Bentley when someone has been holding him, then I think " are his MOTHER you don't ask to hold your baby, you just take YOUR baby! I'm a bit silly like that. Don't get me wrong I love letting people hold Bentley, it is a wonderful feeling holding a baby, he's a great baby to snuggle with and sometimes it is great to bet the break. But with having 2 kids I don't get a lot of time at home to hold Bentley so when I'm out with the 2 of them and Adelade is busy playing I am happy to have some snuggles with my Benty boo!
Okay, it is no news to anyone that knows me that I am not the cleanest-or tidiest person. In fact I can be a bit of a slob, I know- I wish I had grown out of it. I truly wish I was a clean organized person-it is just not natural for me. Ever since having kids though, I can't stand having a messy house. This however does not mean I have a clean house, it just means the mess stresses me out. ha! I never thought a mess would stress me out. It's craziness I tell you! My house is literally a sty right now--even though it stresses me out-I'd rather sit on the couch and write this. I totally have my priorities straight..ha!
8. PATIENCE....what is that?!
I guess one I'd rather not put on the list is that I have the hardest time keeping my cool now that I have 2 kidlets. I often find myself giving 'mommy' a timeout. Adelade brings out the best and worst in me. Thank goodness she still finds me fun to be around, well I'm assuming she finds me fun to be around because I can't even poo on my own!(seriously she cries right outside the door the whole time...its a bit awkward and ridiculous!) I chalk it all up to her loving me so darn much! ha!
There are so many things I've learned since becoming a mother. I have learned that we all parent differently, we all do what we feel is right. I will definitely think twice before I place any judgement on another person, especially other moms. Who knows what happened that morning, or how they slept that night, or anything for that matter. We grow, we change, who's to judge. Not me!
Here a few pictures to keep you updated on the cuteness of my family!
Bentley just a few weeks old-Adelade is his Best BUD! |
This was obviously taken before today as there is a foot of snow on my step now! |
Chilling on the couch |
They are going to the the best of friends...I hope :) |
Bentley meeting his Great Grand-Nanny when he was 5 days old |
Adelade meeting 'Benty' for the first time, or maybe it was the second time-those first few days all roll into one big LONG day! |
This is what I was doing Sept, 1 2012--putting BLUE in my hair?!?! good thing I got my act together and had another baby! haha! |
This is what I was doing September 1, 2013. Hands down having another baby is way better than coloring my hair blue, a WHOLE lot more painful--but worth it! |
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Happy Thanksgiving 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
What am I thankful for?
1. I am thankful for my husband and two beautiful children
2. I am thankful for a Husband that tells me more times in a day than I can remember that he loves me
3. I am thankful for hugs.
4. I am thankful for cuddles with Adelade, as they only come once in a while and last about 1 second. (cuddles in general are pretty great!)
6. I am thankful for having wonderful friends
7. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and Savior
8. I am thankful for my neighbours, I love living in my community
9. I am thankful for family
11. I am thankful for my in-laws who love me like I have always been a part of their clan.
12. I am thankful for my ever-forgiving husband
14. I am thankful that Bentley's favorite place to sleep is on me
15. I am thankful for sleeping babies
17. I am thankful for sleep....I am getting tired as I write this
18. I am thankful for my home
19. I am thankful for our car, even though it's a bit ghetto and the driver's door doesn't open from the outside, we LOVE 'Dot'
20. I am thankful for freedom
21. I am thankful for the safety I am blessed with each day
22. I am thankful for my health, and my Husband and children's good health
23. I am thankful for having someone to hold hands with for-EVER!
24. I am thankful for the pumpkin pie I made today...holy moly it was good!
25. I am thankful for the dinner my brother and wife brought over for good!
26. I am thankful for all the meals people brought us after Bentley was born
27. I am grateful for the ability I have to move my body
30. I am thankful for the good days and bad, without the bad ones the good ones wouldn't seem as good
31. I am thankful for clean underwear...seriously it's the worst when I run out
32. I am thankful for dance party's
35. I am thankful for music
36. I am thankful for a warm house
37. I am thankful for the money we have, though it's not a lot--we are able to afford the life we have
38. I am thankful Matthew knows what he wants to do as a career...he'll be a GREAT teacher
39. I am grateful for my bed, though it is not that comfortable, it is better than nothing--it's a blessing
40. I am grateful for forgiving children that love me even when I go "crazy"
41. I am grateful for a husband that listens to me
42. I am grateful for a clean house, clean is a relative word...
43. I am grateful for my laundry machine, seriously what would I do without it...wash my clothes by hand?
44. I am grateful for our's luxury I tell you
45. I am grateful for a backyard
47. I am thankful for the lessons I learned growing up
48. I am thankful for the trials in my life
51. I am thankful for cheese...I seriously love that stuff
52. I am thankful for toothpaste, we can some serious morning breath in our house!
53. I am thankful for I'm getting thirsty
54. I am thankful for Rio, the movie, it is a serious life saver! We have watched it about 50x since Bentley was born
55. I am thankful for Matthew who will sit with me whether I'm crying, laughing, silent or farting...
All in all....
-I am thankful for my L.I.F.E-
Friday, 4 October 2013
Super powers
Somehow I feel like a superhero when I get my children to bed and they fall asleep....and stay asleep. I was worried there for a few weeks that Adelade was growing out of her afternoon nap, but thank goodness she hasn't!!! So as I sit here, I have not one, but 2 sleeping babies in my house. I should probably go to sleep too. It was the first thing I thought of doing this morning when I woke up, "oh man, I can't wait for nap time...I am so gonna take a nap with them." But then I got out of bed, fed Adelade, fed Bentley, fed me, had a shower, fed Bentley, fed Adelade, fed me---did my hair and makeup (first time all week, so I feel like a million bucks!)...oh yah, changed a few rotten diapers in there, but now I feel surprisingly awake.
Matthew and I have been battling a cold all week, he was so nice and shared it with me! I am trying to keep it all to myself and not share any of it with anyone especially my children, but I think they have caught it. At least Bentley sounds like he's got cotton balls stuck up his nose when he breaths and Adelade somehow has dried boogers on the top of her nose--not sure how she is managing that but it's a pretty sight let me tell you. So when I stood in front of the mirror for more than half a second this morning and got "ready" (not that I'm actually doing anything that requires getting ready) it made me feel better. Who know make-up and clean hair is a cold & flu remedy. I plan on kicking this colds butt by tomorrow, it's happening I just know it.
Life has been pretty good lately. Bentley is a month old now--holy hannah- that happened fast!! Last night when Matthew and I were doing our nightly 'put Bentley to bed gig', we were talking about how old we'd be when we will have been together longer than we've been apart. Matthew would be 50 and I'd be 46, then we started thinking about how old Adelade and Bentley would be, Bentley would be 20 and Adelade would be 22!! Say WHAT?! Life has a way of slapping you in the face when you realize your kids are not going to be babies forever. Anyway, it made me all "I want them to stay babies forever". I can't imagine myself being 46 years old let alone having adult age children, it seems like it will never happen, though one day it will. Now when I think about it though....oh wait--Bentley is stopped...must have just been the milk running out in his dream--back to what I was saying. Now when I think about it though I am really happy to imagine life with adult children, imagining being a mom long enough to see moments that I never got to or ever will get to share with my mom. My mom was a terrific woman, an outstanding mom, I know I'm bias because she was my mom, but just saying she was pretty great. So even if thinking about the future and imagining myself getting older and my children getting older does scare me, it's okay if it does I'm normal. I just want to be the person I imagine myself being now. I shouldn't wait to be a better mom, wife, friend, sister daughter--I should try everyday, not just imagine it, because it's a blessing if I get to see my imaginations come true.---wait! Bentley is crying sec...I'm back, hopefully my superpowers...aka the soother works.
I feel like all I talk about lately is being a mom, or about my kids, and part of me feels bad for it. But when I think about it, it is my life, being a mom is my life. I have had a hard time adjusting to being a 'mom', adjusting to a life where my goals in life aren't just about me (oh my, that sounds incredibly self-centered). I am adjusting to a life where my daily goals are to feed my children, keep them safe, show them I love them, try my hardest not to lose my temper, and teach them something along the way. It is a VERY different life than I have ever had, so it takes time to adjust to it. Somehow I feel like I need to do something more significant, like go to work and get a pay cheque---but when I read what I just wrote, raising children is pretty significant in and of it self-- I am slowly learning this.
Okay, so my superpowers have offically stopped working, nap time is over!...therefore this post is over, because if I say "I'll come back to it" that'll never happen! haha!-
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