Monday, 13 January 2014

A little bit of this and that

Why Hello Monday morning!? Okay so I have to be honest, it is 9:52 AM and guess kids are both s.l.e.e.p.i.n.g!!! I swear. Bentley is having his morning nap, and Adelade is still asleep from last night. I am counting my lucky stars. So I thought with this extra time I had, since I was already up with 'Benty bear' I've showered and had breakfast, going back to bed doesn't seem as appealing (I know I know, I should be sleeping, but I don't wanna! lol!) I could unload the dishwasher, or fold the 5 loads of clean laundry, or clean my bedroom that is still a mess from 4 months ago! Nah, I'll write a blog post "air five!"

I was writing out my goals the other day for 2014, I am not big of new years resolutions but I am ALL ABOUT making goals. I made a goal to write a blog post every week, well I've already failed. HAH---but that is not going to stop me. It is a goal, so I am going to try everyday to reach it, no need to be all perfect at once-lol.

I love to talk about my kids, so why not write about them.
Meet my little Bentley:

Bentley is almost 4 1/2 months old. He is seriously the smiley-est baby EVER! He has started to talk/coo/coo loudly a lot! He is still sleeping in our room and sometimes after feeding him, he will just lay in his bed and "coo--coo--coo". It is pretty much the sweetest sound, that is until he gets increasingly louder and then you can't sleep. Again, he makes up for this with the infamous smiling. Bentley, also known as 'Benty Bear, or Benty boo, or Bear, or Professor Poopy pants" has always been a belly sleeper. It gave me much stress when he was a few weeks old and we discovered he slept WAY better on his belly than on his back. All the 'people' say to have babies sleep on their backs, so I was a bit nervous at first. He could always turn his head from side to side when he was on his belly, so that helped ease my worry. Now about 4 months on sleeping on his belly I'm not worried at all. He started rolling from his belly to back a few weeks ago. He only does it when he is not wanting to go to sleep yet. Then he lays on his back and screams until you come and turn him over. Though there have been a handful of times this past week that he has rolled over to his back and then when I go check on him, he is fast asleep on his back. It's pretty cute!

Bentley has horrendous smelling poos, it's almost offensive. If he does the 'deed' when we are in public I can't wait for more than a few minutes before changing him because it is just so so so smelly. This is probably the lovely perks of having a formula fed baby. I'm sure he will be happy to remember this about himself. lol. (you know you are a parent when you talk about your kids poo on a daily basis...)

Benty Bear, loves his big sister. Adelade can make him laugh just by looking at him. Mind you his laugh sounds more like a dinosaur crying than a laugh, but needless to say it's a laugh and again very cute. Adelade loves to touch his head, you can see that she tries to contain it by just lightly pressing with her fingers. Bentley will smile at her even when she is shaking his play pen or rocking him about 100 miles an hour in his swing. I can't tell you how many times a day I say to Adelade "be gentle with Bentley" or "not so rough" or "don't shake his bed"....I think it all sounds the same to Adelade.. "blah-blah-blah"

Bentley has no sleep schedule what -so- ever. The only thing that is consistent is he will sleep at night, he still wakes up every 3-4-5 hours but he will and has always gone back to sleep right after feeding him, it is wonderful I tell you. I never know if he will nap in the morning, or afternoon or  when he will fall asleep in the evening. It is the opposite of Adelade. When Adelade was just a few weeks old she had a morning nap and afternoon nap and slept from 7-7, sometimes waking during the night. It was AHHHMAZING! She slept worse when she was 1 year, than when she was a newborn. I'm pretty sure Heavenly Father knew I'd loose my marbles if Adelade wasn't such a superstar sleeper, so he must have more faith in me now :)

At his 3 month check up he was hitting the charts at average or just below. He is a bit tiny, but I think he will catch up soon. Him and Adelade are very different in this. Adelade was super long and skinny and always has been, so if that keeps up I'm sure when Bentley is older he'll be wishing he could be taller than his sister and Adelade will wish she could find a pair of pants that were long enough! It's kind of nice having an average sized baby because you can buy them clothes for their age and they actually fit them...I know---you thought it wasn't possible but it is :) Adelade can only now fit her size 1 leggings in the waist, though they are now capris on her lol, but all her size 2 shirts are belly shirts on her. 

Bentley smiles at almost everything, the only time he doesn't seem to smile is when I'm trying to take a picture of him. Thanks! Oh yes and he drools about a litre a day. He's clothes are soaking wet by mid day just from his drool. Oh and another nick name for him is Barfy Bentley. He seriously spits up ALL. THE. TIME. The other day at church Bentley just kept spewing, Matthew would wipe it up and then BAM more would start dripping out of his mouth. Matthew leaned over to me and said "it's like his mouth has diarrhea" I tried to not laugh too loud, but it was TRUE! Oh Bentley how we love you!

Now for my sweet and crazy 2.5 year old. I still call her my baby girl, though she is anything BUT a baby :(
Here are some things she has started to do just in the past few weeks:
-Gets dressed on her own, she likes to wear the same skirt, shirt and underpants.
-Pee & poop on the potty. YES YES its true, I don't want to say it just in case I jinx it, but Adelade is potty trained!!
-Get her food out of the fridge, open it and then spill it on the is usually yogurt. yum!
-TALK all the time, she strings like 5 or 6 words together---it amazes me. The cutest thing she says is "love you too", when ever we say goodnight to her and I love you, she always says "i love you too", she has NEVER just said "I love you". There is not usually a quiet moment in our house when Adelade is awake, she is always yammering about something. She likes to sing as well, she usually just repeats the same words over and over again, but it's so very sweet. Among the sweet things she says, she also likes to say "go away!"& "Stop it!" a lot.
-Whenever Matthew or I leave the house we always sign 'I love you' each other and blow each other a kiss. We started doing this with Adelade and now she has started to do it back. She just waves her fingers at us and kisses her hand, but it is so so cute!!!
-Well speaking of Adelade she is calling my name! So best go and get her. It is 10:35 am--what in the world! Thank you Adelade for letting me catch some sanity :):)

I love my kiddos xo

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