I love you. You are the sweetest brightest little girl I know. I sometimes can't believe you are such a big girl. I love when you read your book "Otto & Todd" to me. I love how you look up to me as you "read" the words with a big smile on your face. I love the dance shows you put on, and how you "la-la--la" the whole time. I love how you want to help me in the kitchen, and I'm sorry when I don't have the patience for you, I'm working on it.
You absolutely love being a princess, you change princess dresses, or princess nightgowns at least 3 or 4 times a day.
Today we went for a walk and you made snow angels and crawled in the snow and licked the snow, I wish I could replay this moment over and over. Tonight though, when I was yelling at you about not being fast enough at getting dressed, I hope you forget that. I hope you forget all the times I get upset and just remember that I love you, and would do anything for you. I am not perfect....WAY NOT perfect but becoming your mom was the best thing I ever did in my life. You bring so much joy to our family. Your smile and laughter and kisses are little blessings I sometimes, most times, don't deserve, but you love me anyway!!
Keep being the energetic lovely girl you are, you make the world better.
Love, your Mom xo
Dear Bentley,
Oh Benty bear. Your smile, your smile is a gift for God to me, I just know it. It's really a gift to everyone. The other day at superstore we were at the cashand you saw this older man with a big mustache and he couldn't stop waving at him. I put you down and you couldn't walk fast enough over to him. You put your arms up to him and wanted him to pick you up. This complete stranger, you just adored, you made him smile and if he was having a bad day you made it better.
Today while we were walking, you just loved walking in the snow, you were cracking up. It was hilarious!! You literally were pretending to laugh. It was so cute! You LOVE LOOOOOVE to climb onto everything, especially the piano & and the kitchen table, I just really hope you never learn how to climb onto the fridge. Seriously, no. You love to drink water out of cups (more like spill), play with tooth brushes, and play cars!!! Yes, you love other things, but these things are definitely some of your top 10!! I love how you suck your thumb ONLY in your crib, or when you are almost in your crib.
Some of the best moments are when you are really tired and you put your head on my shoulder, it doesn't happen often but when it does I wish I could pause life.
Thank you for bringing joy and laughter into our family and into my life. Keep smiling.
Love, Your Mom xo
Ang this is so beautiful and perfect! I cried. :)